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Master of Ceremonies Workshop

  • 06 Sep 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • The Cottage Restaurant, Inlet Hotel, 3-5 The Esplanade, Inverloch
  • 4


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An MC plays a crucial role in the success of any event - corporate, weddings, funerals, awards ceremonies, school functions, even networking dinners. A good MC helps represent the event as a whole, while keeping things on schedule and that everyone is enjoying themselves.

It's an honour to be asked, but does the idea fill you with dread?  

Join us and discover:

  • How events reflect on the personal branding and professionalism of organisations and individuals
  • How to do pre-planning and research about speakers and venue before an event
  • How to brief speakers about the audience, expectations, time limits, technology & tools available before the event
  • Roles on the day – allocating roles for meeting and greeting speakers etc.
  • How to ensure events are well run, keep to time and are welcoming and are inclusive (esp. all mobility needs, abilities, cultural backgrounds etc.)
  • How to develop a Runsheet and event checklist with vital information including speakers bios, acknowledgements of sponsors, special guests and votes of thanks
  • Public speaking tips and tricks – how to speak clearly, confidently and well
  • How to handle difficult questions, audience members and speakers who goes off topic and what to do if the speaker doesn’t show up
  • Housekeeping considerations including what to do in the event of an emergency, bathrooms and security issues.
About our Speaker

Jodie Willmer is a Board Succession & Diversity Strategist. She is the former CEO of Travellers Aid Australia, where she led the transformation of a 90-year- old organisation and hauled it into the 21st century. 

During her 8-year tenure as CEO, Jodie - in conjunction with her board - attracted a range of outstanding new people onto the board who greatly contributed to the organisation through their strategic insights and business acumen. 

Jodie has also sat on a number of boards including the Victorian Council of Social Service and chaired the Emergency Relief Victoria board.

Jodie describes herself as a connector and relationship builder; she has brokered “for profit, for purpose” strategic partnerships with community, philanthropy, government, academic and commercial sectors. She is also an experienced public speaker, MC, facilitator, webinar host, radio broadcaster and is the host of The Insightful Director Podcast, available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

She recently MC’d the Inaugural Volunteering Victoria Conference and will be speaking at the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia’s conference on “How To Attract Amazing Board Members with Diverse Backgrounds”

Jodie lives in Melbourne with her partner Robert and consults to a range of boards about succession planning in Australia and internationally.

About our Venue

Our event will be held at the Cottage Restaurant in Inverloch at the Inlet Hotel. 

Enter via the main entrance and turn to the right.

Event includes morning tea.

Address:  3-5 The Esplanade, Inverloch

(c) Copyright 2020
Southern Business Women's Network Inc.

Registration number: A0037531D

All rights Reserved

The Southern Business Women’s Network acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.
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